Introduction to Wonniw — A metaverse with real world dynamics.

3 min readNov 28, 2021

The first time we imagined the Wonniw universe, we were surprised at when the dynamics that emerged were similar to those in the real world.
A lively, participatory city, with a healthy government with incentives to answer for its actions to its constituents / citizens.

In its initial stages, the Wonniw metaverse will simulate a set of features present in our daily life within an isometric 2.5D world. We will therefore have residential and commercial areas, industrial and raw material mining districts, as well as government buildings necessary for the optimal functioning of each city created.

In the Wonniw metaverse, every citizen is important. To ensure that the yield generated by each city reaches the maximum available, the collaboration of all the inhabitants and the mayor will be necessary in achieving the common goal summarized in “SUSTAINABILITY”.

Sustainability is the main factor for the multiplier / divider of the yield generated by each individual city. The greater the sustainability achieved by a city, the greater the ROI can be for the citizens who develop the activities within them. Sustainability is a mathematical function of the well-being of the inhabitants and the happiness of the citizens.

For example: if there are not enough schools in a city to cover the needs, sustainability decreases, impacting the multiplier of the yield generated by all city activities. This involves a constant assumption of responsibility for the statutory auditors in order to pursue the maximum possible sustainability, in exchange for a higher yield multiplier.

The mayors, elected through the DAO with the WinNow token, will have the opportunity to issue directives to influence the development of the city and the achievement of an optimal sustainability factor, they will therefore have to maintain a constant dialogue with their constituents as not all directives will necessarily lead to a positive impact of sustainability, but this impact will depend on the factors related to “game theory” that will develop within each environment.

There will be two tokens in the WinNow metaverse:

WinNow Token (WNNW) — Fixed supply: it will be used as a DAO token for the aspects related to voting rights and political interaction within the game, it will also be used for the purchase of land and residential building permits necessary to obtain the right to citizenship within the metaverse. It will in fact be the government token of the metaverse and all the inhabitants of Wonniw will have to stake their tokens in DAO to access the gaming and yield functions, proving to be an active part of the metaverse.

Wonnic Coin (WWC) — No fixed supply: it will be used as an exchange currency within the metaverse for the purchase of commercial building permits, commercial licenses, rare buildings and so on;

In the next posts we will focus on the types of buildings available and on the mining of natural resources.


